Mission and Values

To help each student find a pathway out of poverty by offering practical care and quality Christian education and training at our project in the heart of the slums of Fortaleza, Brazil.
An end to poverty and disruption in the slums and a community where children and young people can grow to experience success and leadership in all areas of their lives.
Christian Character and Leadership: Service, love, sincerity, integrity, faith, commitment and responsibility.
Incentive to Dream: Investment, creativity, hope, opportunity, building confidence, and working hard for success.
Community: Prayer, worship, family, encouragement, relationship, and mentoring.

We serve
Motivated by our Christian faith, we have been listening and responding to the needs of children and their families in our community for over 40 years. We began by helping street children but today we prevent children from ending up on the streets and help keep families together.
We Empower
Without exception, we offer opportunities to children that help them develop character, confidence, skills, and independence for their future. Navigating life in the slums can be very complicated, particularly for young people. We help them succeed and have alumni who are successful young professionals, business owners, and those whom we now employ as staff.
We Share
We are passionate about sharing the impact of our work with our stakeholders. We welcome people to visit us in Brazil. We are grateful to all those who give and place a great emphasis on good stewardship, sharing results, and accountability.
UNiViDA is committed to the protection of children and vulnerable adults. Our Safeguarding Practices are continually updated and reviewed Our Safeguarding Policy for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults and our other Charity Policies are available on request. Please Email office@univida.org
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