Our Campaigns

Gym Repairs

The gymnasium is the biggest building in the grounds of the project and it is now 18 years old. The frame structure is being checked for rust damage and re-painted to protect it for the years ahead.  

Some problems areas have been found and will need to be repaired which will incur further costs. Please contact us if you would like further information or would like to contribute to the cost of this project. Email: office@univida.org 

Flood Prevention

On Sunday 11th February Fortaleza received 22.5 cm of rain in a 24-hour period. An event like this has not happened for 50 years. The city was deluged. Despite measures taken in 2023 to prevent flooding, the downpour flooded the kitchen, dining hall, chapel, classroom, toilets, and the playground. 

If these measures had not been in place, we believe that the damage would have been catastrophic and would have destroyed our newly installed kitchen cabinets, freezers, and fridges and many of our other facilities. Thankfully we avoided a costly disaster. 

We believe that the best long-term solution is to continue with the installation of 4 more pumps in strategic areas of the project, together with holding tanks and other flood defenses. This will remove water quickly and prevent flash flooding. 

To protect our facilities, we are appealing for your help to continue with these further flood prevention measures. Each pumping system will cost £4,500, and we need four of them. 


Two kids in a side hug on CBC grounds

Setting up a monthly standing order is the best way to help UNiViDA meet its budget each month. Even £5 or £10 per month goes a long way to transforming the life of a child in the slums. Thank you. 

CAF Bank Sort Code: 40-52-40 Act. No. 00035001 

School Materials

Kids sitting at desks during at CBC

UNiViDA needs funds to buy classroom tables and chairs, stationary, school uniforms, books and other school materials.